After the rather
abrupt loss of my T42p I needed a new laptop quickly. The delay in
getting the Thinkpad originally combined with the headache of getting
Linux working on it nicely and also to some extent IBM dumping their PC
division all contributed to the decision to go with a 15" Powerbook. If
IBM would have supported a real OS on their hardware I would have bought
another one in a second. I have never been a Mac fan, but I needed a
working Unix laptop quickly. After years of having an absolute crap
operating system, they finally have a good one. This thing is a 1.5GHz
G4 with a half a Gig of ram and the 128M Radeon and then another 512M
from Crucial ( added on. Would have been nice to
put 2G in it, but those 1G sticks are really expensive.
After using it for a week and a half I am quite pleased with it overall.
Plenty of little gripes, but overall it is a useful little machine.
The Good (with a few reservations)
- Stuff works. I didn't have to fight apm/acpi to get it to sleep
properly when I shut the lid, nor did I have to massage my wireless
drivers and give them a little tune-up every week.
- It's a slick-looking block of aluminum, but it doesn't feel nearly
as sturdy as the Thinkpad. I guess we will see if it holds up to my
abuse and the many around-the-world trips this thing is going to
have to endure.
- The battery status indicator on the battery itself is nice.
- The dock is cool-looking, but it quickly gets on your nerves. I
found QuickSilver
to be a much quicker way to launch things without having to deal
with the damn trackpad.
- Related to the last point, the very non-Unixy approach to installing
applications simply by dragging them to the /Applications directory
is very handy, especially the way everything is self-contained, but
it does make it hard to run things from the command line. I tried
the BBEdit demo, for example, and while I finally did figure out how
to launch it from the shell, it wasn't very convenient. Not sure how
you are supposed to use an editor that you can't quickly launch from
the shell. I guess that's why QuickSilver exists. Vi/vim has worked
fine for the past 20 years for me, and it will work fine for the
next 20.
- Fink
makes me feel somewhat at home giving me apt-get for most of the
common packages I use. It was trivial getting my development
environment set up with Xcode and all the various libraries and
tools I need to build PHP. You also quickly become familiar with
for finding OSX applications.
- I like the fact that my ancient RG-1000 wireless gateways that I
have a bunch of lying around in the garbage pile seem a lot more
useful now since I can flash them with the Apple Airport firmware
and make them look like real Airport AP's. It was always a massive
pain trying to configure these things from Linux via the Java
configurator thing.
- Expose is just
- The backlit keyboard has a high coolness factor although it seems a
bit too dim to really be useful. It also doesn't light up the row of
function keys. A way to turn it on on demand as well as a way to
crank up the brightness would be nice. It may be hiding in there
somewhere, but I haven't run across it yet.
- The light around the power plug is cool too, except this one, unlike
the keyboard backlight is really bright and doesn't turn off when
the machine goes turns off the lcd so twice now my wife has
repositioned the idle laptop sitting in the bedroom out of sight.
- The Skype (
client is pretty and works very well.
- There is a plethora of decent web browsers. It came with Safari and
IE. Add Mozilla, Firefox and Camino to that and you have 5 browsers
that all seem to work well. I am used to Firefox from Linux, so I am
sticking with that.
The Bad (with some workarounds)

- For some reason there is no way to do multiple virtual desktops in
the standard GUI. Desktop
manager solves that annoyance. Almost anyway. It would be much more
useful if Apple-Tab only cycled through the applications on the
current desktop and not all of them. I am guessing they can't hook
in and change this without being more integrated with the GUI.
(boxes on the left in the menubar image above)
- iTunes is pretty nice, but why in the world doesn't it have a way to
minimize it to the menu bar. If they are going to force me to keep
that stupid menu bar on my screen at all times, the least they could
do is make use of it. Luckily there is a very cheap little tool
called Synergy
that fixes that problem. With Synergy installed using the "tabbed"
(arrows in the menubar image above) look in the menu bar iTunes is
great and would be in the "Good" section if I didn't have to buy
this add-on Synergy thing to make it usable. It almost makes me want
to pick up an ipod just to play with the integration.
- I was also surprised how badly it reacted when I fed it an xvid AVI
file. I thought this thing was a multimedia monster. VLC
took care of that.
- I hate IM with a passion, but unfortunately I need to use it. Fire
seems to do the trick, but I really haven't looked around much for
anything better. My only real comment on this one is that the icon
sure is ugly and that it hasn't crashed on me yet. Then again, it
doesn't really understand Yahoo's status message stuff and Yahoo
isn't too bad so I have been switching between these two.
- For irc I am used to using XChat. The Aqua version
isn't great, but it works. It really could use an update to the
current xchat code. The tabs are centered, which is odd, and when
you get disconnected from an SSL'ed connection it gets an error
trying to reconnect. I have to restart it in order to get it to
connect again. I should probably just install X11 and run the real
xchat instead, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.
- Pine from fink works nicely. But I have been trying to join this
century by using a graphical email client. I don't think I will be
able to though. is really slow at dealing with huge
mailboxes over IMAP. Thunderbird is better and I am close to being
able to use it, but why doesn't it let me map 'R' to Reply-All?
I can map it to Ctrl-R or Apple-R, but not simply R. And yes, I know
this doesn't really have anything to do with the Powerbook or OSX,
but since I am whining about stuff I figured I would throw it in. I
also tried offlineimap
to try to speed up the IMAP and give me better disconnected support,
but it uses Maildir and having 100,000 files in a directory
apparently isn't something the OSX filesystem handles very well.
- I have been using Kismet for years on Linux. Kismac
is the OSX version and it seems a bit flaky. It has hung on me a few
times and it needs to do weird driver swaps because the native OSX
drivers don't support promiscuous mode. The built-in wireless card
doesn't seem to do promiscuous mode at all even with the driver
swap, but my Cisco and Orinoco pcmcia cards both work ok with it.
- Apple left/right to switch between terminal windows is a nice touch,
especially since Apple-Tab only cycles through a single window of
each running application. But Terminal seems to be the only
application that supports this. The same thing for Firefox would be
very handy.
The Ugly
- No dedicated Page-up/down keys! I never realized how much I used
those until I didn't have them anymore. Fn-up/down is the same
thing, but you need two hands for that.
- Too many modifiers! Was Fn, Ctrl and Alt really not enough? Why an
Apple key where the Alt key should be?
- What's with the two Enter keys? Wouldn't it be more useful to have
two Ctrl or two Alt keys instead? I definitely don't need two Apple
and two Enter keys right next to each other. Obviously it is there
for the 3 people left in the world that actually uses numlock and
the keyboard as a numeric keypad replacement. So I have a proposal.
Let's just deprecate numlock completely and give me a useful key
there instead!
- Inconsistency in keyboard access to various widgets. Some dropdown
boxes don't have keyboard accelerators. 'u' to get you to "United
States" in a long country dropdown, for example.
- Not being able to hide the top menu bar is really hard to get used
to. Coming from a 1600x1200 screen on the T42p down to this 1280x854
screen I am already feeling quite cramped, especially vertically so
losing another 16 pixels to a mostly useless menu bar is annoying.
You can't even change the font in it or do anything to make it
smaller as far as I can tell. Would it be so bad to provide a way to
autohide it and move/resize it? Or even better, let me dock it.
- The damn clock widget in the menu bar won't show me the day of the
month. You can toggle showing the day of the week along with AM/PM
and 12/24 hour displays, but you can't get it to say "Dec.20 11:00".
I am usually with it enough to know what day of the week it is, but
I am always forgetting the day of the month. I know it shows up in
the menu when you click on it, but that means I have to move the
mouse, click and then hit escape instead of just glancing up there.
There are replacement things like wclock that will do this of
course, but having to run yet another process just for that minor
thing is dumb.
- To keep complaining about the clock widget, why doesn't it show
something useful, like the damn date, when I hover over it? Some
applications, like Syngery, shows you something useful on hover from
the menu bar, so I know it is technically possible. There are many
other places where throwing in hover support would be nice.
I of course knew
about the trackpad and single mouse button issue and I knew I would
have problems with that, and I do. I was however under the
impression that the GUI was designed in such a way that you really
didn't need more than a single mouse button, but it turns out there
are plenty of places where you really need to right-click
(Ctrl-Click) on stuff. Like if you want to empty the trash without
multiple clicks. A USB mouse mostly solves this annoyance, but that
restricts me to having a surface nearby to use the mouse on.
- I had heard iPhoto was slow. And it really is slow. It's slower than
slow. I find myself pondering what it could thinking about while it
is chewing on my photos. I hope it is doing something worthwhile
with my cpu, like curing cancer, while it is grinding away. It is
good for organizing photos as long as you aren't in a hurry and with
the iPhotoToGallery
plugin it is really easy to keep the online photo album in synch as
- Sticking with the iPhoto gripes. When I import photos from a fast
Sandisk Ultra 512M CF card in a PCMCIA adapter iTunes skips. This is
a 1.5GHz CPU with a Gig of RAM. Can it really not copy a file from a
CF card and play an MP3 at the same time? Given all my other gripes,
this is probably the most disappointing.
- Scrolling text input boxes in Firefox leave cursor artifact garbage
on the screen. Probably something the Firefox folks are doing wrong
and not Apple's fault. But still an annoyance I didn't have under
- Why only a slow DVD-R drive? Every modern DVD burner out there these
days doesn't care if you feed it DVD+R or DVD-R media. Seems like it
is time to update that. And get one that isn't so noisy.
- No amplified audio line-in. Means you need an amplified mic and all
the cheap headsets out there designed for voice chat won't work. I
suppose the answer is to use a USB headset instead.